Thank you to our Supporters
The staff and clients of Veritas House would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank our funding bodies, service partners, local businesses, community groups and the broader Bathurst and Orange communities for their interest and support in 2019-20. In particular, we want to acknowledge the incredibly generous donation received from the Brian M Davis Charitable Foundation towards our Transitional Youth Housing Appeal – the largest donation received in our 40 year history.
Veritas House is registered as a charity with the Australian Charities and Not-for-Profits Commission (ACNC) and is endorsed as a Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR). If you would like information on making a donation to Veritas House or would like to discuss how you can support the work that we do, please contact Veritas House on (02) 6332 3882, email or visit our donations page.
Our Funding Bodies
Department of Communities and Justice.
Department of Employment and Workplace Relations
Community Support
Abercrombie Hair | Donna McLean |
Al Dente | Drew Churches |
Alanna Dixon | Elaine Rudge |
Aleisha Rattery | Elise Elligett |
Alicia Jeffree | Emma Curtis |
Alison McGarry Croucher | Emma Vidler |
Alison Shurmer | Erin Richards |
Alyssa Bennett | Ethan Batterson |
Amanda Keough | Fabia Arokiaswamy |
Amanda Killiby | Faith Hadkins |
Amanda Radstone | Felicity King |
Amanda Richard | Fiona Geddes |
Amanda Wilding | Fiona Lewis |
Amelia McMurray | Freya Hill |
Amy Hart | Gabby Bugg |
Amy Vickers | Gather at the Sonic |
Amy Waight | Gavin Powell |
Andrew Hillan | Geoff Hastings |
Andrew Kelly | Gerald Kearney |
Andrew Paul | Gerarda Mader |
Andrew Smith | Gillian Gates |
Angus Druitt | Gina Melham |
Angus Edwards | Gorgeousness |
Angus Ogilvie | Grace Windsor |
Anna Arrow | Graeme Stewart |
Anna Smith | Graham Stirling |
Anna Suzuki | Greer Films |
Annabelle Hillsdon | Greg & Lisa Smith |
Anne Huges | Gunthers Lane |
Anytime Fitness Bathurst | Hair X |
Ascent Arbor | Hanna and Nathan Colley |
ATCO | Hannah Lepaio |
Australian Online Giving Foundation | Hansen Optometrist |
Barbara McCreery | Harris Content Creation |
Bathurst Goldfields | Harrison Windsor |
Bathurst Harness Racing Club | Harvey Norman Bathurst |
Bathurst Panthers | Hayden Foran |
Bathurst Regional Council | Haylee Lepaio |
Bathurst Regional Security | Hayley Wolfenden |
Bathurst RSL | Heather Gray |
Baxter Williams | Heather Johnston |
Beard Brothers Motorcycles | Heather Larnach |
Bec Ordish | Heather Matheson |
Belinda McGuire | Helen Daunt |
Belinda Mead | HopeCare |
Bell Conveyancing | Hotel Dudley Bathurst |
Ben Mennix | Iain McKean |
Benjamin Jenkins | Ilse Oxenburgh |
Bianca Higgins | Indigo Events and Marketing |
Bill Fragar | Industry Training and Assessment Services |
Billie Henderson | Inland Digital |
Blake James | Jacinta Carroll |
Blayney High School | Jacob Soetens |
Bolam Property Investments | James Hallowell |
Bourkes Wholesale | James See |
Brayden North | Jannette Kelly |
Brett Seymour | Jason Roche |
Brian Leis | Jayne Sanson |
Bridget Tracy | Jayne Walker-Smith |
Bronte Emanuel | Jeff Peak |
Bronwyn Smith | Jem Ivers |
Bunnamagoo Estate Wines | Jennifer Arnold |
Bunnings Orange | Jennifer Cox |
Calare Skin and Beauty | Jeremy Coleman |
Cameron Gough | Jess Phinn |
Candice Boggs | Jesse Pavlovich |
Capital Chemist Bathurst | Jessica Becher |
Captured Creations Photography | Jessica Bennett |
Carl Hunter | Jessica Horne |
Carol Goddard | Jessica McKean |
Carol Smith | Jessica Robinson |
Caroline Jones | Jill Rohr |
Cathryn Bloomfield | Jo Young |
Central Commercial Printers | Joan Raferty |
Central West Foot and Ankle Clinic | Joann Young |
Centrestate Sound and Lighting | Joanne Barlow |
Chris Ringrose | Jody Pearce |
Christine Fing | Jonathan Hosking |
Christopher Schembri | Josh Morton |
Claire Colton | Joshua Claridge |
Cleary Fairbrother | Julian Garling |
Colton Computer Technologies | Julianna Demetrius |
Corey Butler | Julie Everson |
Courtney Kelly | Julie McCauley |
Craig Best | Julie Ross |
Crowe Audit Australia | Jumbled |
Daniel Organ | Karen Miller |
Daniella Kelly | Karina Elms |
Danielle Ranshaw | Karina Evans |
David Bull | Kate Dobbs |
Deb Bardon | Kate Gorrell |
Debbie McKean | Kate Gullifer |
Deborah Groat | Kate Miller |
Denise Packer | Kathy Sloan |
Dennis Shrimpton | Katon Crawford |
Designing Windows Bathurst | Keira Williams |
Diane Burrell | Kenny Spring Solicitors |
Diego Cavieres & Libby Sinclair | Kerry Chappell |
Dimension Framing | Kerry Silverson |
Dominique Antarakis | Keryn Delaney |
Dominique Windsor | Kirilly Whitney |
Kristopher Markwick | Rebecca Dwyer |
Kyle Martin | Rebecca Kelcey |
Kylie Provest | Rebecca Lee |
L. Chaniotis | Rebecca Ruddy |
Lachy Pearce | Renata Simpson |
Laser Plumbing | Renee Perry |
Laura Bampton | Renzaglia Wines |
Laura Sennett | Richard Blackie |
Lauren Clemens | Robert Taylor |
Lauren Wilson | Robyn Fitzsimmon |
LBB Resin | Rochelle Quinn |
Leah Earle | Rosin Forestry Services |
Leah-Jane Pickstone | Roslyn Hodges |
Leanne Carolan | Roslyn King |
Leanne Swann | Ross Hill Wines |
Learn 2 Fly | Rotary Club of Bathurst |
Lee Cable | Rotary Club of Bathurst Daybreak |
Libby Sattler | Rydges Mount Panorama |
Libby Sinclair | Sam Schroder |
Lil Blue Bird Resin Art | Samantha Ford |
Linda Hurford | Samantha Gallagher |
Lisa & Ian North | Sandra Fragar |
Lisa Limbrick | Sara King |
Lisa McGuire | Sarah Hamilton |
Lisa-Maree Dunford | Sarah Luff |
Little Image Co | Scott Connell |
Liz Humphries | Scott Green |
Loretta Power | See Saw Wines |
Lorraine and Louise Brace | Shane Montgomerie |
Louise Cleary | Shane Ward |
Louise Wood | Sharon Jones |
Lucinda Back | Sharron Carter |
Luke Bourke | Sharyn Semmens |
Macquarie Medi Spa | Shaun McKenzie |
Mallory Luxford | Sheree Richards |
Mardi Smoother | Shirley Featherstone |
Maree Storey | Shirley Featherstone |
Margaret Sharkey | Simon King |
Margie Powell | Simon Wanstall |
Maria Meyers | Simone Townsend |
Mark Krummer | Simplot Australia – Bathurst |
Mark Sullivan | Snap Fitness |
MARS Petcare | Sonia McGovern |
Maryanne Keith | Sonya Clarke |
Matt Ferry | Sophia Pikul |
Matthew Tabbernor | Sophie McCauley |
Maureen Markwick | Sophie Murphy |
Maureen Wilkins | Sophie Wilson |
McKayler Barnes | Soufia Alnimri |
Meaghan Hibbert | Specsavers Optometrist – Bathurst |
Meg Bolam-Williams | SportsPower Bathurst |
Meg Hitchick | St George Bathurst |
Meg Siejka | Stanley Joseph |
Meghan Hibbert | Startle Art Graphic Design |
Melanie Hood | Steph Loader |
Melanie Klower | Steph Miller |
Melissa Chapman | Stephanie Sinclair |
Mercure Penrith | Stephen Jackson |
Michael Page | StreetSmart Australia |
Michael Rudge | Stuart Pennells |
Michele Hutchinson | Sue Slatcher |
Michelle Jewell | Suellen Tobin |
Michelle Quinter | Susan Colbert |
Mick Holton | Susan Davis |
Mikaela Graham | Susan Davis |
Mike Irvine | Susie May |
Mike Irvine | Tabitha Plunkett |
Mitchell Conservatorium of Music | Tania Martin |
Mo Chroí Play Cafe | Tanya Caltabiano |
Mona Harris | Tash Ross |
MoneyQuest Bathurst | Tayla Simpson |
Monique Elliott | Terry Dwyer |
Monique Evans-Jones | Tess Lamont |
Moodie’s Pharmacy | The Dance Factory |
Narelle Stocks | The Environmental Factor |
Natasha Ross | The Hub |
Nathan Lamont | The Persuader |
Nathan Pearce | The Quicksew Team |
Newcastle Permanent Charitable Foundation | The Victoria Hotel Bathurst |
Nicci Mackey | Therese Behan |
Nick Plunkett | Therese Lamont |
Nicolina & George Peck | Thomas Weekes |
Nikita Stewart | Tim Smith |
Olivia Wright | Tina McClintock |
Orange Flight Training | Toneya Carr-Smith |
Pam Day | Tonia Cox |
Pamela Hunter | Tracey Mackie |
Panorama Bathurst | Tracey Price |
Panorama Business & Financial | Tricia White |
Panorama Mini Mart | Trudy O’Connor |
Patricia Ramires | Tyler Martin |
Paul Connor | UPOD Pty Ltd |
Peak Connect | Vanessa Willis |
Peter Rohr | VERTO |
Peter Rosin | Victoria Erskine |
Peter Stace | Victoria Stevens |
Phoebe Suttor | Weekes Accounting & Advisory |
Pip Southwell | Westate Property |
Plastic Cactus | Western Advocate |
Rachael Johnson | Westfund Health Insurance |
Rachel Manning | Windsor Studio |
Radio 2BS | |
Raine & Horne Bathurst | |
Raymond Parkin | |

Our Service Partners
Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ), Youth Justice, Bathurst Young Mob, Housing Plus, My Foundations Youth Housing, Bathurst Local Aboriginal Lands Council, Orange Local Aboriginal Lands Council, Bathurst Neighbourhood Information Centre, headspace Bathurst & Orange, Wattle Tree House, CAMHS, Pinelodge, Housing NSW, Skillset, Fusion, OCTEC, Sureway, Joblink Plus, TAFE, St Vincent De Paul, Bathurst Community Op Shop, The Hope Care Bargain Centre, Central West Care, Salvation Army and local schools.
Peak Body Memberships
YFoundations, Australian Community Workers Association (ACWA), Homelessness NSW, NSW Council of Social Services (NCOSS), Youth Action, Australian Federation of Employers & Industries and Jobs Australia.