Our Supported Independent Living Service is an integrated accommodation and support program that aims to prepare Young People aged 16-17 years old at entry, to successfully transition from the Permanency Support Program (PSP) to independent living through the provision of accommodation, case management, and structured and individualised life skills programs for up to 24 months. Program participants are given the opportunity to experience the realities of paying rent and bills, shopping for and preparing meals, and budgeting, with the security of experienced caseworkers available to provide support. Casework support is provided flexibly depending on how much support a young person requires at any particular time, with levels of support gradually decreasing as a young person’s competencies increase and they move towards independence, to eventually taking over their own lease at the end of the program’s duration.
Our Supported Independent Living team sits under the Supported Independent Living and Residential Services (SILARS) operational branch of Veritas House and is funded by the NSW Government through the NSW Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ).
SIL placements are for children and young people that are:
- 16-17 years of age at entry
- Assessed as having Low or Medium needs (CAT)
- In the statutory PSP, or
- Exiting PSP to live independently, or have left a PSP placement but require further support to successfully transition to independence, and
- Assessed by Child and Family District Unit (CFDU) as having the capacity to be placed in SIL and will have the capacity to live independently after a period of tailored support.
Please note, referrals can only be made through CFDU via DCJ. Children and young people referred must not require therapeutic care.
What can be expected from Veritas House through SILS?
Veritas House:
- Provides a caseworker for each young person
- Provides furnished accommodation that is stable, appropriate and affordable
- Pays the difference between the young person’s contribution towards the rent and the actual rent charged for the property. The young person contributes a proportion of their income towards the rent and utilities for their share of costs (aligned with DCJ Charging Rent Policy)
- Is responsible for any repairs and maintenance of properties but, where appropriate, negotiates the repayment of property damage debts with the young person responsible for the damage.
We provide:
- Living skills training and support which include self-care, home management and budgeting
- Assistance with access to education, training and vocational and employment assistance, to support financial self-sufficiency
- A ‘stay put’ option for young people exiting the program who have demonstrated the capacity to maintain a tenancy
- Education and support to develop parenting skills, where appropriate, and
- Ongoing support after completing the program as required up until age 25.
How to make a referral
To refer an eligible young person to the Veritas House SILS program, complete the SIL Referral Form and Planning Tool and email the completed form to: WesternNSW.CFDU@facs.nsw.gov.au. Once received, CFDU will determine eligibility and advise you whether the referral is declined, or will forward the referral to Veritas to arrange a meeting with the young person.