Many of the young people Veritas staff work with are overcoming some major obstacles in their lives and at the same time trying to continue their education or enter the workforce. For many, finding funds for necessary educational resources such as workboots for apprentices or books and laptops for students can be another barrier to try to overcome. To help with this, Veritas has established an Education and Employment Fund and will invest all donations received towards this fund, with the income earned annually used to support young people in the local region to pursue their vocational ambitions.
If you would like to make a tax deductible donation towards the Veritas Education and Employment Fund, simply click the PayPal button below and select the ‘Education and Employment Fund’ in the options. Alternatively, contact Veritas House on (02) 6332 3882 or email to find out other ways that you can donate or provide support.
Would making a monthly donation be something you may consider? We spoke with one of our monthly donors recently, Matt T, and asked why he decided to give regularly to the Education and Employment fund specifically.

“I was keen to help children to get the resources they need to get a quality education in order to set them up for employment later in life” – Matt T, monthly donor.