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The Resourceful Adolescent Parent Program (RAP-P) is a free 3 session program designed for parents of adolescents.

RAP-P was developed to help parents create a positive family environment to encourage quality parent-adolescent relationships and healthy adolescent development.

The program supports parents to help their kids get through the teen years safely and happily. RAP – P has been shown to be particularly beneficial with younger teenagers (12 to 15 years) however parents of teens of all ages have found the program helpful.


Session topics cover:

Parents Are People Too: Parents are encouraged to focus on their existing strengths, and to recognise their contribution to their adolescent’s wellbeing.

What Makes Adolescents Tick: Parents are encouraged to consider the specific needs of adolescents, including adolescent development and boosting self-esteem.

Promoting Family Harmony: Parents focus on the process of promoting harmonious family relationships and on the prevention and management of severe conflict.

If you are interested in attending, please complete the form below and a Veritas House team member will be in touch to confirm your registration.